26 january speech in english for small child

Shayari Collection

Good morning everyone!

Today is a very special day, do you know why? Because it's the 26th of January, and we celebrate something very important on this day in our country, India. It's called Republic Day!

Republic Day is a day when we remember and feel proud of our great nation. It's like a big birthday party for our country. On this day, many years ago, our leaders worked together to make a set of rules called the Constitution. The Constitution is like a big book of important rules that help our country run smoothly and make sure everyone is treated kindly and fairly.

We celebrate Republic Day to remember how important it is to be united and to be good friends with each other. Just like in a family, we all are part of one big Indian family.

On Republic Day, there's a grand parade in our capital city, New Delhi, with soldiers marching, beautiful floats, and even planes flying in the sky, leaving colorful trails. It's like a big, exciting show to say, "Hooray for India!"

So, on this special day, let's remember to be proud of our country and to be good friends to everyone around us. We can celebrate by being kind, helping others, and saying "Jai Hind," which means "Victory to India!"

Thank you, and happy Republic Day!

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