Crime in the Queen's Court Free Download PDF Book

Shayari Collection

 Crime in the Queen's Court

Crime in the Queen's Court

Crime in the Queen’s Court

Nancy and Bess decided to join a few other ladies-in-waiting who were sitting on
a blanket, munching on biscuits and cold chicken. As the two girls walked across
the clearing in their Elizabethan costumes, Nancy’s gaze shifted to the woods,
and she admired the shafts of soft sunlight falling on the trees.
Then Nancy approached the ladies-in-waiting seated under a large oak tree and
said, “Mind if we join you?”
Suddenly, Nancy heard a sharp whizzing noise near her ear. She flinched in
surprise and felt a rush of air on her cheek.
Looking to her left, she let out a gasp. Lodged in the tree, only inches from
Nancy’s head, was a quivering arrow!

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