Mental Models 30 Thinking Tools that Separate the Pdf Download

Shayari Collection

Mental Models 30 Thinking Tools

Mental Models 30 Thinking Tools that Separate the Pdf Download


Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Decision-Making for Speed and Context

MM #1: Address “Important”; Ignore “Urgent”

MM #2: Visualize All the Dominoes

MM #3: Make Reversible Decisions

MM #4: Seek “Satisfiction”

MM #5: Stay Within 40–70%

MM #6: Minimize Regret

Chapter 2. How to See More Clearly

MM #7: Ignore “Black Swans”

MM #8: Look for Equilibrium Points

MM #9: Wait for the Regression to the Mean

MM #10: What Would Bayes Do (WWBD)?

MM #11: Do It Like Darwin

MM #12: Think With System 2

Chapter 3. Eye-Opening Problem-Solving

MM #13: Peer Review Your Perspectives

MM #14: Find Your Own Flaws

MM #15: Separate Correlation From Causation

MM #16: Storytell in Reverse


MM #18: Get Back to First Principles

Chapter 4. Anti-Mental Models: How Avoidance Breeds Success

MM #19: Avoid Direct Goals

MM #20: Avoid Thinking Like an Expert

MM #21: Avoid Your Non-Genius Zones

MM #22: Avoid To-Do Lists

MM #23: Avoid the Path of Least Resistance

Chapter 5. Oldies but Goodies: They’re Still Around for a Reason!

MM #24: Murphy’s Law

MM #25: Occam’s Razor

MM #26: Hanlon’s Razor

MM #27: The Pareto Principle

MM #28: Sturgeon’s Law

MM #29-30: Parkinson’s Laws

Summary Guide

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