Praying for Your Future Husband free download pdf bood

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Praying for Your Future Husband


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An Extraordinary
Sometimes, when an idea just won’t go away, you need to pay
attention to how God is nudging you. That’s what happened
with this book.
Tricia and I have been friends for almost two decades, and
both of us are writers. But our life stories as well as our love
stories are radically different. Beyond writing, we do have one
interesting commonality: both of us prayed for our future
husbands when we were teens. But how did that add up to our
writing a book together? Three incidents convinced us we
should …
The first moment of inspiration fell on me with a weighty
sense of urgency one bright November afternoon. I was in
Brazil, standing in front of three hundred teen girls in a school
cafeteria. My Christy Miller and Sierra Jensen novels for teens
have been translated into Portuguese, and the teachers at this
school use the books as part of their curriculum. That meant all
the girls had read the books. When my husband and I entered
the cafeteria, the girls greeted us with a wave of screams as if
we were the real Christy and Todd all grown up and visiting
them in Brazil.
To quiet down the screaming girls, I asked the translator to
invite them to ask questions. One of the girls raised her hand
and popped up from her seat. In Portuguese she asked me what
she and her friends should do since the boys in Brazil weren’t
reading my books.
“What do you mean?” I asked.

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