The Evil Cry of Your Family Idol D K Olukoya Olukoya Free pdf Download

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 The Evil Cry of Your Family Idol D K Olukoya Olukoya 

The Evil Cry of Your Family Idol D K Olukoya Olukoya

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Chapter One

This is a very special message to all nations of the earth. Thoughtful
people as well as those who are meticulous in examining situation know
that something, somewhere is wrong with the human race. A lot of people
who grapple with problems, do so in vain until they sit down to think, and
make serious efforts at discovering the root of their problems.
Problems of life can be likened to a tree; what you see on the surface are
the stem, branches, leaves and fruits. If you do not get to the root, you may
labour in vain to get rid of what you see above the ground level. Just as the
root of a tree is responsible for the growth of the leaves, stem and fruits, the
roots of life's problems are also responsible for what we go through. There
is more to what you go through in life than what you see physically.
Having listened to a lot of heart-rending stories, I have discovered that,
the problems of many people have lingered simply because they are
unaware of the source which remained shrouded in mystery. The devil is
extremely wicked, and because he wants to make the victims .of his terrible
attacks go through life blindfolded, often, you may not even know the steps
to take to get out of your predicament.
I am always sad, each time I see a believer who is supposed to be at the
top physically and spiritually, remaining chained down to the bottom. It is
disheartening, to see somebody with the brain of a professor wasting away.
It is rather strange, for a believer to spend all his resources to build a house,
and then invite an enemy who will chase him out of it. Those who are
supposed to give orders to the enemies are being ordered around by
I have counselled thousands of people from all walks of life, majority of
whom narrated woeful stories. You find someone who has been divinely
destined to be a shining star wasting away in a mental hospital; someone
who is supposed to be an international businessman pining away in a poor
hamlet-picking nuts; a woman who is supposed to be a billionaire living in
a dilapidated house-grinding pepper on a local millstone and someone who
has been destined to make ground-breaking discoveries in science and
technology finding it difficult to secure admission into any university, even
after several attempts.
Beloved, something is wrong somewhere. These kind of situations are so
common that they became a great burden on my heart. That is why I have
been challenged to write this book.


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