The Six-Word Secret to Success Free Pdf Book Download

Shayari Collection

The Six-Word Secret to Success

The Six-Word Secret to Success Free Pdf Book Download


In order to fully enjoy prosperity and its accompanying sense of achievement,

one needs to have known poverty and an environment in which daily survival is

the purpose of life. As a youngster, I didn’t know anything about a sense of

achievement, but I was all too aware of being poor. It didn’t seem to bother the

other kids, but it bothered me. What made it all the more exasperating to me, as

a boy of twelve, was to be poor in Southern California, where there seemed to be

so many who were rich. In fact, anyone who had an automobile, an electric

refrigerator, and wall-to-wall carpeting was rich in my book, and the children of

such people seemed to me to be fortunate indeed. I decided to find out why some

people were rich while so very many of us were poor.

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