Win Your Partner Back After A Break Up ? free download pdf

Shayari Collection

 Win Your Partner Back After A Break Up ?



“Those that go searching for love only make manifest their own

lovelessness, and the loveless never find love, only the loving find love,

and they never have to seek for it”

- D.H. Lawrence

If your relationship has come to an end and you long, desperately, to

reunite with your partner - this book is for you. Perhaps you’re still with

your partner but they’re losing interest or pulling away - this book is also for


A relationship break up may be one of the most challenging and painful

experiences you’ll ever face. However, it doesn’t always mean the end of the

relationship and it certainly doesn’t destine you to a lonely and loveless

future. In fact, a break up can often be an incredible turning point.

Of course, not all relationships can be saved, and I want to stress this

firmly before we begin - I’m not here to give you false hope. Nor am I here

to advise on whether you should return to your partner. If they were abusive

in any way, you’ll know already that it’s unwise to revisit this type of

relationship. If they were unfaithful, only you can decide whether to return.

Some relationships can’t be saved and may not be worthy of saving.

However, there are those that definitely can, and should, be saved. Given the

right inner conditions, broken relationships can - and do - heal.

If there is a chance of rekindling your relationship, this book will help

you to optimise that chance. This is about magnetizing you for love and

bringing a new energy into your relationship.

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